Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the Evidence of Speaking in Tongues

Biblical Families

My first question is:

Have ye received the Holy Spirit since you believed? (Acts 19:2)

Why should I care? Why should you care?

Because if you do not have the genuine Holy Spirit living inside you then you’re none of His. (Roman 8: 9-11)

Jesus said being born again of the Spirit is a requirement to enter the Kingdom of Yah:

John 3: 5-7
5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

7 Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.

This matter is not talked about enough.

The primary point of confusion for those of us who believe that being filled with the Holy Spirit is a necessity in our salvation, is the nature of speaking in tongues. Said another way, the Bible describes different types of tongues which serve different purposes, and without understanding the nature of each one there is a lack of clarity.

There also has to be clarity on exactly how one receives the baptism of the Holy Spirit, as well as the confirmation that the Spirit has been received. Otherwise we’re dealing in abstracts. And this is something so crucial that abstract isn’t gonna cut it. I’m not playing around with my salvation and my soul.

When I sought the Father for His Spirit I needed concrete answers and understanding so that I could be sure in how I was supposed to press in and knock so I could receive the gift. And once I received I needed to know without a shadow of a doubt that I had it.

When I received the Holy Spirit, I began speaking in tongues as the Father was pouring out His living water and filling me. I was drinking at the well of life, and once it subsided and I had been filled I was washed over with the greatest peace I have ever known. I was wrapped in His love, and now Jesus and the Father have come in to sup with me and made their abode in me. My body is become the temple of the Holy Spirit just like the Word says.

Briefly I’ll call your attention back to Romans 8: 9-11 where it says that only those who died with the Holy Spirit living inside them will be resurrected unto life with Messiah, because the Spirit is life. Without it we are dead, and if we die without it we will be resurrected unto death and not life. This is a serious matter and we should treat it as such.

Every person I have ever seen or helped receive the Holy Spirit spoke in tongues as they were filled. Tongues that they could not control and whose communication they did not understand. It was all by the working of the Holy Spirit.

1 Corinthians chapter 12 describes the 9 spiritual gifts, all of which come only after receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit. There are 2 gifts related to speaking in tongues which are noted in verse 12:

1. Diverse kinds of tongues (speaking)
2. Interpretation of tongues

The confusion comes because many wrongly believe that speaking in tongues is ONLY related to these spiritual gifts. And as we know, every man doesn’t receive every gift. So the conclusion that is derived from this line of thinking is that everyone who receives the genuine Holy Spirit doesn’t speak in tongues, only those with the gifts of tongues.

But that’s not how it was described at Pentecost in Acts chapter 2. Everyone that received the Holy Spirit spoke in tongues, and it was the confirmation that they had in fact received the Holy Spirit. And I’ve witnessed this numerous times play out the exact same way.

During Tabernacles a few years ago at Straitway, a couple brothers and I were rallying around a brother who was trying to receive the Holy Spirit. We had been at it for maybe 5-10 minutes. Pastor Corey walks up to that brother and lays hands on his head while speaking in tongues, and in English tells that brother receive ye the Holy Spirit, just like Paul does in Acts 19:6. Within seconds that brother started speaking in tongues and being filled. That is the power of Yah, and speaking candidly, I’m very well aware that Pastor Corey and Pastor Dowell are on a whole nother level when it comes to the manifestation of the power of Yah. Which simply means that they are tapped in with the Father in a mighty way, filled to overflow with His Holy Spirit, and exercising multiple gifts of the Spirit which they have been given. And which my eyes have seen on multiple occasions. Keep in mind, the Bible says the gifts only operate through love.

1 Corinthians chapter 14 breaks down tongues further, separating the gifts (diversity of tongues- for the edification of the assembly, along with interpretation so the assembly can actually understand) from speaking in tongues for one’s own personal edification (verse 2) and praying in tongues/praying in the Spirit (verses 13-14).

If I pray in tongues, it is to build up myself in the Spirit. To strengthen and encourage myself. To unload with moanings and groanings and utterings, begging for His mercy because I’m so burdened I don’t even have the words to express my pain. But He knows! He understands! The Spirit in me is communicating with Him that gave it, on my behalf! That is not one of the gifts, that is between me and Yah. The gifts are for the body.

Not everyone is going to believe what I’m saying because not everyone has had the experience and not everyone is going to search it out to see if it is so – line upon line, precept upon precept.

The baptism of the Holy Spirit confirms itself with heavenly tongues in the mouth of the one who receives. And from thenceforth a believer with the indwelling of the Spirit has access to the Father in a way that English can’t give you. Pray in tongues, speak in tongues, and the more you do it the more you develop it and are able to access it when you need it. It does take practice. But it is rewarding in every possible way. It is for you, it is so you can gain strength direct from the source when you need it.

The gifts of tongues are for the edification of the assembly, and they are separate from the tongues you get when you are first filled with the Holy Spirit.

I care about your soul, that is my sole purpose for calling attention to this. My desire is that you be saved.

I’m not a preacher, I’m not a teacher. I’m just a brother. And I love you.

This particular video is an in depth teaching on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and speaking in tongues. So if you feel the call of the Father in seeking the Truth in this matter, I encourage you to watch it and study it for yourself. Its impossible for me to lay out this subject from beginning to end in this post. But I believe its extremely important for all believers to grasp this wholly and completely. We don’t have room for error on a matter this crucial. Search and prove all things and hold fast to that which is good.

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